Date: Tuesday, September 15
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Format: Zoom (login details below)
Presenter: Jack Curran
Topic: You Don’t Need Epic Light to Create an Epic Photo in Black & White: Expanding the Range of Light
Jack Curran will be presenting You Don’t Need Epic Light to Create an Epic Photo in Black & White: Expanding the Range of Light for the September 15th MONEP meeting, starting at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
He will share the processes he goes through to shoot black and white images.
He will take us through what his pre-shoot thinking processes and visualizations.
He will pick a few images to illustrate the post-processing of pictures taken during fog, rain, snow, overcast cloudy days, predawn, and twilight.
He will do a live demonstration on how he expanded the range of light. We will review the use of Jack’s Big Three tools in Lightroom: The Radial Filter, Adjustment Brush, and Graduated Filter, as well as share how he uses the range mask and erase brush while using these tools.
Note: check your email for the link to the Zoom meeting.