• MONEP Intro

    We’re MONEP – the Missouri Nature and Environmental Photographers, based in the Metro St. Louis (Missouri) region. Our group provides a space, in person and online, for individuals to gather and share photos and ideas about photography and nature.

    Take a look around our site to find out more about us and then please consider joining us for one of our monthly meetings.

    Our mission is to provide a forum for individuals interested in the field of nature photography and the environment, provide education, gather and disseminate information, and promote nature photography as an art form and medium of communication.

Find Out More…….

July Meeting

Date: July 16, 2024

Time: 6:45 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Location: Powder Valley Nature Center

Topic: Let’s Talk Aurorae

Steve Sands, our guy of the sky, will be back with us to present Let’s Talk Aurorae! at the July meeting. We have been experiencing a very active solar maximum and with it
has come a light show in latitudes never before experienced. The sun goes through a 22-year cycle from solar minimum to solar maximum and back to solar minimum again. It is currently peaking at one of the most active maximums ever seen before. This presentation will discuss solar dynamics and why aurorae occur, tools available for predicting them, and how to photograph them. Steve hopes to make this a very “colorful” presentation!

Steve has been an amateur astronomy enthusiast, telescope builder/restorer and teacher for over 40 years.
He has been an adjunct faculty member at St. Louis University and Washington University teaching astronomy, telescopes, and optics to non-science majors. He has written articles for Astronomy Technology Today, Sky & Telescope and Amateur Astronomy magazines. Steve is a past president of the St. Louis Astronomical Society (SLAS) and has held literally hundreds of public telescope-viewing sessions, promoting observational astronomy. Aside from viewing solar system and deep sky objects, he is a very active solar astronomer and enjoys safely sharing views of our nearest star, the Sun.

June 2024 Show and Share

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Contact us at info@monep.org

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