A photo subject can be the same, yet captured in so many different ways. What makes one photograph stand out above the others? It is simple, a great composition. Understanding how our vision responds to an image is the first step in achieving success. From the basics of line, color and form to the use of more advanced techniques, we will explore and discuss different artistic approaches used to create better photos and help you become a better photographer. Creativity spreads… come and catch it!
Jennifer is an internationally acclaimed landscape and nature photographer with a passion for teaching and inspiring photographers around the world. Jennifer draws on her fine art and design background to bring a fresh perspective to nature photography. Her ability to teach composition and inspire creativity is unmatched. She has been named 1 of 15 Amazing Women to Follow by 500px. You can find her photography, video tutorials and interviews in Outdoor Photographer Magazine, Outdoor Photography Guide, Camera in the Wild, Photography Talk, Smoky Mountains Journal of Photography, SouthxSoutheast, Our State Magazine, VIA Magazine and more, as well as at https://www.jenniferkingphoto.com. Jennifer speaks at many yearly photographic summits such as NANPA, CNPA, Nature Visions, MoNEP and NECCC. Jennifer is the founder of PHOTOGRAPHY for the FIGHT AGAINST BREAST CANCER (pfabc.org), an industry wide organization bringing together the biggest names in photography to raise money for breast cancer research.
Jennifer is represented by the best:
Adobe, Singh-Ray, Prana Influencer, Think Tank Photo, Mindshift Gear, Pixpa
We hope you will join us for this very special meeting. Jennifer is a terrific and inspiring presenter.