Monthly Meeting: July 2020

Next Meeting: Monday, July 20th , 2020
Presenter: Charles Needle
Topic: Mindful Photography: Seeing in a Different Light
Location: Zoom Meeting – By Invitation Only
Next Meeting: Monday, July 20th , 2020
Presenter: Charles Needle
Topic: Mindful Photography: Seeing in a Different Light
Location: Zoom Meeting – By Invitation Only
Date: June 16th (via Zoom)
Time: 7:00 PM
Join us on Zoom on Tuesday June 16th at 7:00 p.m. for a presentation by Lonnie Gatlin on Photographing the Milky Way. Learn how to shoot the Milky Way, including using apps for planning, camera equipment, and focusing techniques.
NOTE: This program is jointly sponsored by MoNEP and the Missouri Chapter of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA Missouri). Our thanks to IDA Missouri, which will actually be the group hosting the Zoom session for us. This session will begin at 7:00 p.m.
A photo subject can be the same, yet captured in so many different ways. What makes one photograph stand out above the others? It is simple, a great composition. Understanding how our vision responds to an image is the first step in achieving success. From the basics of line, color and form to the use of more advanced techniques, we will explore and discuss different artistic approaches used to create better photos and help you become a better photographer. Creativity spreads… come and catch it!
Click the image above to download your very own copy of the Jan/Feb 2020 edition of ‘CloseUp’…the MONEP newsletter.
Roxanna Cummings received 1st place in the category People Enjoying Missouri’s Natural Resources, and 2nd place in the category Unique Places in the 2018 Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Photo Contest.
Richard Spener had three images in the top ten of the Missouri DNR photo contest.
In addition, the National Sierra Club will be using an image of Richard’s in the January-February print issue of their Sierra magazine.
When: September 14-15th, 2019
Where: Seminar at the Ethical Society of St. Louis, Sunday workshops at Shaw Nature Reserve.