Scavenger Hunt – May 2021

Our theme for May is…Butterflies in the Wild
Due to the COVID pandemic, we have not been able to hold MONEP field trips. Although it appears
that we are making progress in the fight against COVID, it may still be awhile before we are able to
engage in in-person group activities. As we did last month, we are offering the alternative of having
a Scavenger Hunt to encourage members to go out individually in search of specific photo subjects.
This is not a contest and there are no prizes. It is meant to engage members in the same activity and
to display the many wonderful and varied images we can capture of the same type of subject. We
will create a gallery on the MONEP website to display the submissions we receive. Members can
submit up to three (3) images of butterflies outdoors. All images we receive in the month of May
will be included in the gallery. You can submit your images throughout the month and the gallery
will be created as soon as we receive the first submission, and subsequent submissions will be
added along the way. The final date for submissions for this theme is May 31st.