Monthly Meeting: May 2020

A photo subject can be the same, yet captured in so many different ways. What makes one photograph stand out above the others? It is simple, a great composition. Understanding how our vision responds to an image is the first step in achieving success. From the basics of line, color and form to the use of more advanced techniques, we will explore and discuss different artistic approaches used to create better photos and help you become a better photographer. Creativity spreads… come and catch it!



Every few years, MONEP invites nationally known nature photographers to conduct photography seminars and/or workshops that are open to the general public as well as the membership. Past presenters have included…

Community Events & Services

MONEP is invited to participate in local and national community events each year.  Volunteering our time and services at these events is our way of giving back to the community…

Field Trips

MONEP also organizes local field trips and occasional overnights to photograph nature. These activities provide an opportunity for members to share techniques, learn from each other and enjoy the company…


MONEP holds meetings on the third Tuesday of each month, except in December. While we are pleased to announce that we have returned to in person meetings, starting in July…

Mission Statement

The mission of the Missouri Nature and Environmental Photographers is to provide a forum for individuals interested in the field of nature photography and the environment, provide education, gather and…


What do you mean by "nature photography"? Our members have a wide variety of interests. Many members shoot landscapes. Others choose animals, from dragon flies to mammals to birds. Some…

MONEP Board & Committee Members

MONEP Board of Directors President:Scott AvettaVice President:Don MoriceTreasurer/Secretary:Linda ModerRecording Secretary:Kathy CherryKen BiddleJerry MillerBarbara AddelsonPat BurgessRobert CharityJane GriesenauerKate Sprague MONEP Committees Programs:Scott Avetta*Ken Biddle*Membership:Michelle JonesLinda Moder*Newsletter:Barbara Addelson*Dug ThreewittWeb/Social Media:Barbara Addelson*Kate Sprague*Digital…

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