Monthly Meeting: April 2021

Missouri Butterfly
Chris Hartley – Pearl Crescent

Date: Tuesday, April 20th via Zoom
Time: 7:00 PM
Presenter: Chris Hartley, the Butterfly House
Program: Missouri Native Butterflies

Learn how to identify the 25 most common butterflies in the St. Louis region from Chris Hartley, Entomologist and the Science Education Coordinator at the Butterfly House. Chris will cover field marks that are useful for ID in the field and discuss look-alike species.


Scavenger Hunt – April 2021

Bob Bullock – Columbine

Anyone up for a…scavenger hunt?

As a result of this nasty pandemic thing, MONEP meetings have been relegated to Zoom sessions, and we’ve been unable to plan any club organized Field Trips. And though it appears there is light at the end of that tunnel, it may yet be some time before we’re able to engage in such activities.

As an alternative, we’re going to offer a Scavenger Hunt as something of a group activity, but done individually as opposed to gathering as a group.


Monthly Meeting: March 2021

Robert Charity Presentation #2, 2021/03/16
Robert Charity Presentation #2, 2021/03/16

Date: March 16th
Time: 7:00pm (Central Time)
Speaker: Robert Charity
Topic: Exploring Ozark Streams and Springs

Note: All meetings will be conducted via the Zoom meeting tool until further notice.


Monthly Meeting: February 2021

Seaside Image
Noah Buchanan – Seaside
Noah Buchanan Portrait

Date: Wednesday, February 17th (NOTE: Meeting day changed to Wednesday for this month only)
Time: 7:00pm (Central Time) via Zoom
Speaker: Noah Buchanan, Hunt’s Photo and Video
Topic: Mirrorless Cameras

Note: All meetings will be conducted via the Zoom meeting tool until further notice.


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